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The Ultimate SDK Evaluation Checklist for Enterprises

| 7 min

Software Development Kits (SDKs) are crucial for enterprises relying on APIs. A well-designed SDK streamlines API integration, boosts developer productivity, and ultimately accelerates application time-to-market. However, not all SDKs are created equal. Choosing the right SDK is a critical decision that requires careful evaluation.

This checklist provides a step-by-step guide for enterprises to evaluate SDKs effectively, ensuring they select the best option for their needs. As a bonus, we’ve included how liblab’s SDK generator can check these steps for you!

Step-by-Step SDK Evaluation Checklist:

1. Feature Completeness and API Coverage

✅ Does the SDK provide access to the complete set of API functionalities you require? Does it accurately represent the API's capabilities?

👉 An SDK should be a comprehensive representation of the underlying API. Missing features or incomplete coverage can force developers to revert to direct API calls, defeating the purpose of using an SDK.

✨ liblab generates SDKs directly from your OpenAPI specification. This ensures that the SDK accurately reflects your API's endpoints, data models, and functionalities. Furthermore, liblab’s workflow feature even simplifies complex multi-step API interactions into single, streamlined SDK methods, enhancing usability and feature accessibility.

2. Ease of Setup and Initial Use

✅ How straightforward is installing, configuring, and getting started with the SDK? Is the onboarding experience smooth?

👉 A cumbersome setup process can deter developers and increase integration time. A smooth onboarding experience is essential for rapid SDK adoption and developer satisfaction.

✨ liblab addresses this through multiple features. First, it automates SDK publishing to popular package managers (like npm, PyPI, and Maven), simplifying installation and making it easily available for developers. Second, the inclusion of DevContainer support in each SDK provides a pre-configured development environment, minimizing setup complexities and ensuring consistent development conditions across teams. In addition, SDKs are provided with examples and code snippets to further accelerate initial use.

3. Language and Platform Compatibility

✅ Does the SDK support the programming languages and platforms your customers utilize?

👉 Broad language support ensures wider adoption across your organization and avoids limiting development to specific technology stacks. SDKs should integrate seamlessly into your existing development environment.

✨ liblab excels here, offering SDK generation in a wide array of languages, including Python, Java, TypeScript, Go, C#, PHP, and Terraform, with Ruby on the way! This comprehensive language support makes liblab-generated SDKs accessible to diverse development teams and projects.

4. Code Quality and Idiomatic Design

✅ Is the SDK code clean, readable, well-structured, and adhering to language-specific best practices? Is it "idiomatic" for each target language?

👉 High-quality, idiomatic code is easier to understand, maintain, and debug. It also reduces the learning curve for developers adopting the SDK, leading to faster integration and fewer errors.

✨ liblab emphasizes "idiomatic code generation." This means the generated SDKs are designed to follow the conventions and coding styles expected in each target language. This results in SDKs that feel natural to use for developers familiar with those languages, improving developer experience and code maintainability.

5. Documentation Quality and Availability

✅ Is the SDK accompanied by comprehensive, clear, and easily accessible documentation? Does it include code examples, explanations, and usage guides?

👉 Excellent documentation is paramount for SDK usability. Developers rely on documentation to understand how to use the SDK effectively, troubleshoot issues, and integrate it into their projects quickly.

✨ liblab automatically generates code snippets and examples for every SDK. The snippets demonstrating API usage and clear explanations of SDK functionalities. It also integrates nicely with your favorite documentation platforms like Redocly, ReadMe, Mintlify, and Docusaurus!

6. Security Considerations

✅ Does the SDK incorporate security best practices? Does it support the security schemes required by your API?

👉 Security is paramount, especially for enterprise applications. SDKs should be designed with security in mind to prevent vulnerabilities and protect sensitive data. Enterprises should evaluate if the SDK supports the security scheme of the API and follows secure coding practices.

✨ liblab prioritizes security in its SDK generation process. They incorporate security best practices into the generated SDKs. liblab supports a range of authentication methods to access your APIs including: API key, Basic, Bearer, OAuth, as well as custom access tokens. You can learn more about it here.

7. Error Handling and Data Validation

✅ Does the SDK incorporate robust error handling and data validation mechanisms to improve stability and user experience?

👉 Proper error handling and data validation prevent unexpected application behavior, enhance security, and reduce unnecessary API calls. This leads to more robust and efficient applications built with the SDK.

✨ Data validation and error handling are built into liblab generated SDKs. This proactive approach to error management improves the reliability of applications using the SDK and reduces the burden on developers to implement these critical features manually.

8. Customization and Flexibility

✅ Does the SDK offer options to customize its behavior or adapt it to specific project needs?

👉 While standardization is beneficial, enterprises often have unique requirements. Customization options allow developers to tailor the SDK without extensive modifications, balancing ease of use with necessary flexibility.

✨ liblab provides significant customization capabilities. Developers can tailor authentication settings, retry behavior, and language-specific options during SDK generation. Furthermore, hooks allow for injecting custom code into the SDK, offering advanced customization for specific use cases.

9. Workflow Simplification and Efficiency

✅ Does the SDK simplify complex API interactions and improve development workflow efficiency?

👉 An effective SDK should abstract away the complexities of direct API calls, streamlining common tasks and reducing development time and effort.

✨ liblab's workflows and API request chaining features directly address workflow simplification. By allowing developers to combine multiple API steps into single SDK methods, liblab generated SDKs significantly reduce the code needed for complex API operations, improving developer productivity and code clarity.

10. Maintenance, Support, and Long-Term Viability

✅ What is the vendor's policy on SDK maintenance, version support, and bug fixes? Is there adequate support available in case of issues?

👉 Enterprises need assurance that the SDK will be actively maintained and supported in the long term. Clear maintenance policies, version support, and accessible support channels are essential for mitigating risks and ensuring continued SDK usability.

✨ liblab provides a documented maintenance policy and version support for its SDK generator, offering transparency regarding supported versions and their lifecycle. They also offer a policy guide detailing aspects like security and data privacy. For support, liblab engages with the developer community through platforms like Discord and GitHub, and provides professional services and full support in their Advanced pricing tier, catering to different enterprise support needs.


Selecting the right SDK is a strategic decision that impacts developer productivity, application quality, and overall project success. By systematically using this checklist, enterprises can thoroughly evaluate SDKs and choose a solution that aligns with their technical requirements and long-term goals.

liblab, with its automated SDK generation platform, demonstrates strong performance across these evaluation criteria. Its focus on broad language support, idiomatic code generation, comprehensive documentation, ease of use, robust feature set, and attention to security makes it a compelling solution for enterprises seeking to streamline their API integration process and empower their customers. By considering platforms like liblab in light of this checklist, enterprises can confidently select SDK solutions that drive efficiency and innovation.

Before you go, check out our CLI tool that can automatically generate client libraries in 6+ languages for any API.Build an SDK For Any API


SDK Generation