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Go SDK Design and Methodology


Welcome to liblab's Go SDK guide! This page provides an overview of liblab's approach to designing Go SDKs, covering our methodology, configuration options, and best practices for efficient, idiomatic Go development. Go developers can leverage this guide to configure, integrate, and optimize the SDK for robust application performance.

liblab's Go SDK Methodology

At liblab, we focus on developing SDKs that embrace Go's philosophy of simplicity and efficiency. Our SDK design emphasizes:

  • Idiomatic Go: Following Go's conventions and best practices for clean, maintainable code
  • Concurrency: Leveraging Go's goroutines and channels for efficient concurrent operations
  • Error Handling: Using Go's explicit error handling patterns for robust error management
  • Performance: Taking advantage of Go's lightweight runtime and efficient memory management
  • Modularity: Organizing code into well-structured packages following Go module conventions

Go SDK Best Practices

  • Use Context for Cancellation: Implement context.Context for proper request cancellation and timeouts
  • Error Handling: Return errors explicitly and handle them appropriately
  • Concurrent Operations: Use goroutines and channels responsibly for concurrent API calls
  • Interface Design: Create small, focused interfaces following Go's interface composition patterns
  • Documentation: Write clear godoc comments for all exported types and functions

Sample Code

Below is a sample setup and request-handling snippet using the liblab Go SDK.

config := pokemonsdkconfig.NewConfig()
client := pokemonsdk.NewPokemonSdk(config)

params := pokemon.ListAbilitiesRequestParams{}

response, err := client.Pokemon.ListAbilities(context.Background(), params)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v", response)

FAQs and Common Pitfalls

Q: How should I handle concurrent API calls?

A: Use goroutines with proper context management and implement rate limiting when needed.

A: Use context.Context with timeout for all API operations to ensure proper resource cleanup.

Q: How can I implement custom error handling?

A: Create custom error types that implement the error interface and use error wrapping introduced in Go 1.13+.

Q: How can I automate SDK generation with my Go framework of choice?

A: We have guides for Automating SDK generation for Goa APIs, and Automate SDK generation for Go Routers (Chi, Gin, etc) with Huma APIs.