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September 2024 Release Notes

We’re excited to announce several new features and enhancements to the liblab platform. These updates focus on improving SDK generation and streamlining user workflows, allowing you to build and deploy SDKs more efficiently. This month, we’ve introduced new capabilities for Python and TypeScript SDKs and made key improvements to our WebApp experience. Let’s dive into the exciting new features:

New Releases This Month

Streaming Support for Python SDKs

Streaming support is now available for Python SDKs, designed to enhance real-time data processing, particularly for AI-based applications. If you’re working with Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, or Mistral, you can now receive continuous data streams from APIs that support it without waiting for the entire response to load.

Why this matters

Streaming support provides faster and more efficient data handling, improving response times and making your applications more responsive.

Key Features

  • Seamless SDK generation for LLMs: Generate SDKs for LLMs using the liblab SDK generator.  
  • text/event-stream content type: Supports streaming for APIs that return the text/event-stream content type.  
  • Simple Configuration: Configure streaming easily through liblab's config file, by adding streaming: true, or OpenAPI annotations.  
    • Get started with streaming:** Check out the step-by-step tutorial to set up streaming support for your Python SDK today. The tutorial features Ollama and Llama 3.1 for local LLM hosting.

This feature reduces response times and improves real-time interaction with AI models, enhancing developer experience.

Pagination for TypeScript SDKs

Handling large datasets is now simpler with the new pagination feature for TypeScript SDKs. This automates the process of retrieving data in smaller chunks, making it easier to navigate through large datasets without manually managing data loads.

Why this matters

By automating data handling, pagination reduces complexity, allowing you to fetch and process large datasets more efficiently.

Key Features

  • Enable Pagination Customizations:     1. Directly through your OpenAPI spec using the x-liblab-pagination annotation.   2. Via your liblab.config.json file with endpoint customization.  
  • Data Splitting via Pagination: Use the offsetLimit parameter to split data into pages.
  • Effortless Iteration: Iterate through paginated responses using a for loop or the .next() function to retrieve one data page at a time.
  • Optimize Data Retrieval: Designed to minimize API calls and optimize data retrieval for large datasets.

For developers working with APIs that return large volumes of data, pagination ensures smoother performance by limiting the amount of data returned at once, making your applications faster and more responsive. Access the documentation to see how to use pagination

WebApp improvements: New “Getting Started” page

We’ve revamped the WebApp to make onboarding and SDK generation even easier by adding a new Getting Started page. This update provides a more intuitive, guided experience for new users looking to build their first SDK, reducing the learning curve for new users.

Key Features

  • Build SDKs for the PetStore API: New users can now generate SDKs for the PetStore API directly from the WebApp. This offers hands-on experience with SDK creation without needing the CLI.
  • New CLI Instructions: We’ve added step-by-step instructions for starting with popular package managers like npm, pnpm, and Homebrew.

The new Getting Started page is designed to help you onboard faster and seamlessly get started with SDK generation.

Native OAuth Support

We are excited to introduce native OAuth support, enhancing the security of your API integrations. Previously, liblab provided OAuth support for all SDKs through hooks. However, the native OAuth support provides streamlined API authentication, efficient token management, and customizable permission control, ensuring users can securely access APIs with the correct permissions.

Key Features

  • Global OAuth Configuration: Set up OAuth for all API endpoints in one step.
  • Endpoint-specific OAuth: Customize OAuth for individual endpoints as needed.

OAuth support boosts the security of your integrations by allowing only authorized users to access sensitive data. It gives you control over permissions and access, providing a safer and more reliable user experience.

For a detailed overview of how to set up OAuth, refer to the Authentication page.


  • Python SDKs now support real-time streaming, improving response times for AI models like ChatGPT and Llama.
  • TypeScript SDKs feature pagination, making it easier to manage large datasets by automating data retrieval in smaller chunks.
  • The WebApp now includes a new "Getting Started" section to simplify SDK generation for new users and provide a more intuitive onboarding process.
  • OAuth support has been introduced, enhancing security by offering flexible authentication options, including global and endpoint-specific configurations for secure API access.

We hope these new features help you achieve more with liblab. We’re always eager to hear your feedback, so feel free to reach out and let us know how these improvements enhance your workflow.

Stay tuned for more updates next month!